Mailmeteor joins the Recommended for Google Workspace program

Mailmeteor joins the Recommended for Google Workspace program

- Published: - 1 minute read

We’re really proud to let you know that Mailmeteor has been selected to be part of the Recommended for Google Workspace program, a Google-curated list of secure, reliable, and well-integrated Google Workspace apps.

Mailmeteor started as a mail merge add-on for Google Sheets back in 2018. Mailmeteor is now a complete email marketing platform with the recent release of the automatic follow-ups and email sequences with Gmail feature.

Apps listed in the Recommended for Google Workspace are “more secure, reliable, and well-integrated” as per Google’s guidelines. Indeed, we have always taken care to put the user experience first and to make sure the add-on looks native in Google Sheets.

Apps recommended for Google Workspace

Some of the apps recommended for Google Workspace
(you might need a Google Workspace account to access the list)

This program led by Google requires extra security checks, including a security audit, penetration tests, and procedures, to make sure our application complies with the most advanced security standard (ASVS Level 2 & 3).

Google Workspace administrators now have the choice of a trusted emailing solution to offer to their users, that is recognized by Google for both its security and user experience.

There are already more than 3.5 million people who have access to Mailmeteor through the Google Workspace marketplace. Many have the application installed by one of their administrators. We are confident that Google’s program will help decision-makers to make the best choice for the marketing needs of their company.

If you are interested in learning more about Mailmeteor and this program, feel free to get in touch with us.

Corentin Brossault

This article was written by Corentin Brossault, Mailmeteor's CEO. Mailmeteor is a simple & privacy-focused emailing software for Gmail. Trusted by millions of users worldwide, it is often considered as the best Gmail mail merge to send mass personalized emails.

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