I’ve purchased Mailmeteor but my account did not upgrade

If you’ve purchased a subscription but your account is still showing the Free plan, try the following:

  1. Refresh your window and re-open Mailmeteor to see if it updates your account.

  2. Open Mailmeteor Dashboard and access your Account settings. Confirm that you’re on the right plan.

  3. Confirm that you have successfully paid your invoice by looking at your inbox. You can filter emails sent from Mailmeteor by using the search operator: from:mailmeteor.com.

  4. If your email quota is of 500 emails/day but you expected more, read this article.

In case the above doesn’t help, your issue may come from a typo in your email address during upgrade or a temporary issue preventing the upgrade. Please contact us with your email address and invoice number so that we can help you solve this situation.

Lifetime license: If you’ve purchased a Mailmeteor Lifetime license through Paypal, note that it may take up to 24 hours for your license to be activated. This license is a special plan that requires a manual activation on our end, explaining why the upgrade is not immediate. We’ll do our best to activate your license as soon as possible. If you own another type of lifetime licenses, feel free to contact us in case you need assistance.