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Pausing or Canceling a Campaign

Want to stop any further emails from being sent? Mailmeteor lets you pause your campaigns temporarily or cancel them permanently. Here’s how to do it.

How to pause a campaign?

  1. Open your Mailmeteor Dashboard.
  2. Go to Campaigns.
Campaigns menu
  1. Select an ongoing or scheduled campaign.
Select ongoing campaign
  1. Go to Actions and select Pause sending.
Pause sending
  1. To confirm, click Pause.
Temporarily pause a campaign in Mailmeteor

Confirm to pause campaign

What happens when you pause a campaign?

All emails in this campaign are paused and will not be sent until the campaign is resumed.

If your campaign contains follow-ups, please consider the following:

  • When you pause a campaign, follow-ups are paused and won’t be sent.
  • When you resume, follow-ups that are scheduled in the future will be sent.
  • However, follow-ups that missed their deadlines (e.g., 3 days later) won’t be sent.

The reason behind this is that when you define a delay (e.g., 3 days later), if that period of time has passed, Mailmeteor is uncertain of what to do with the follow-up and defaults to cancel it.

How to resume a campaign?

You can resume a paused campaign whenever you want. To do so, open your campaign and click the Actions button. From there, select Resume sending and click Resume campaign to confirm.

How to cancel a campaign?

  1. Open your Mailmeteor Dashboard.
  2. Go to Campaigns.
Campaigns menu
  1. Select an ongoing or scheduled campaign.
Select ongoing campaign
  1. Go to Actions and select Cancel campaign.
Cancel campaign
  1. To confirm, click Cancel campaign.
Permanently stop emails from being sent