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How to log the emails you send with Mailmeteor in your CRM

To log your Mailmeteor emails in your CRM, you need to find the unique BCC address provided by your CRM and add this address as a BCC recipient when you’re sending emails with Mailmeteor.

Mailmeteor supports all the CRMs that let you use a BCC address to log your conversations. This includes some of the most popular CRMs, such as Hubspot, Salesforce, Copper CRM, and many others.

Using Hubspot with Mailmeteor

You can use the HubSpot BCC address to log emails sent from Mailmeteor in your CRM. Emails that are logged to HubSpot using the BCC address will include the email content and any attachments included in the email.

Using Salesforce with Mailmeteor

Salesforce offers a feature called Email to Salesforce that you can use to automatically link your Mailmeteor emails to your Salesforce leads, contacts, opportunities, and other Salesforce records.

Using Copper CRM with Mailmeteor

You can sync your emails to Copper CRM by including the email address provided by Copper in the BCC line of any email you want to sync.