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Follow-ups & Sequences

A follow-up email is an automated email that is sent to a recipient following a first conversation. The follow-up email acts a reminder for the recipient and is meant to prompt to reply or take action. This can significantly improve your results.

With Mailmeteor, you can do two things ⤵️

  1. Email sequences
    Send a series of emails after at a few days interval. You can send a new email 3 days later. Then another email 1 week later. Email sequences, also called Drip campaigns, are a great way to onboard your new customers or to nurture your leads.
  2. Auto follow-ups
    Send automatic follow-up emails to your recipients. You can set up conditional follow-ups. Meaning that your emails will be sent if certain conditions are met. For example, you can send an automated follow-up if the recipient didn’t open your first email.
Email sequence

Email sequence in Gmail

How to send an email sequence with Gmail?

Mailmeteor lets you send email sequences. It’s possible to send a simple follow-up with Gmail as well as a multi-steps sequence over several days or weeks. A common use case is to send a follow-up email 3 days later if the recipient hasn’t replied yet.

  1. Open your Mailmeteor Dashboard.
  2. Click on New campaign.
Create a new campaign in the Mailmeteor Dashboard
  1. Compose the first message of your email sequence.
Compose your email in the Mailmeteor Dashboard
  1. Next, click on Add a follow-up email to set up an automated follow-up.
Add a follow-up email in the Mailmeteor Dashboard
  1. Write your follow-up email and select your sending options.
Write a follow-up in the Mailmeteor Dashboard
  1. Once you’re ready, click on Send emails to lauch your sequence.
Launch your email sequence in the Mailmeteor Dashboard

How to send a follow-up email as a reply?

Mailmeteor lets you send follow-ups either in the same thread or send follow-ups in separate conversations with different subject lines.

By default, Mailmeteor will send your follow-ups in the same thread. However, if you want to send your follow-up emails in separate conversations, you can do so from the Mailmeteor Dashboard.

  1. Create a new campaign.
  2. Compose your first email.
  3. Add a follow-up email to your campaign.
  4. Click on the three vertical dots, in the top-right corner.
  5. Select Subject to create another conversation with a new subject line.
Send your follow-ups in a separate conversation

Follow-up in another thread

How many steps can you add to your campaign?

There’s no limit to how many follow-ups you can add to your email sequence. However, it’s a best practice to keep your marketing sequence under 7 steps.

A perfect balance could be 3 steps in total. Otherwise, you may come across as too pushy, and your recipients may unsubscribe or, worse, flag your emails as spam.

Trigger-based follow-ups

With Mailmeteor, you can set up automated follow-ups based on your recipient’s actions. This is also called “behaviour based follow-ups”.

Here are the different conditions you can use to trigger your follow-ups:

  • IF no reply: send a follow-up if the recipient hasn’t replied yet.
  • IF no open: send a follow-up if the recipient hasn’t opened the previous email.
  • IF no click: send a follow-up if the recipient hasn’t clicked a link in the previous email.
  • IF click: send a follow-up if the recipient has clicked a link in the previous email.
  • IF open: send a follow-up if the recipient has opened the previous email.
  • No matter what: no condition, the follow-up email is always sent.

You can also choose the interval between each step:

  • After a few days: send a follow-up email one or several days later
  • After a few hours: send a follow-up email hours later
  • After a few minutes (available with a Business plan): send a follow-up email only after a few minutes


When selecting IF no reply, you can’t send emails from an alias. That’s because our system can detect replies from your primary account only.