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Setting a reply-to address

What is a Reply-To address?

A “Reply-To” lets you send an email from one email address and tell the recipients to reply to another. In Gmail, Outlook, and other email clients, when your recipients click “Reply”, they will automatically respond to the “Reply-To” address.

reply-to address mailmeteor

It’s helpful when you send emails from a generic email address (such as [email protected]), but you want the recipients to reply to another address (such as [email protected]).

How to add a Reply-To address in the Mailmeteor Dashboard

  1. Open your Mailmeteor Dashboard.
  2. Create a new campaign.
  3. Click on the three vertical dots and select Reply-To.
Add a reply-to address in the Mailmeteor Dashboard
  1. Enter your Reply-to email address.

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