Email signature generator
Create your own HTML email signature with our free email signature generator (how it works?)
An intuitive email signature generator for teams and individuals to amp up your email impact
Email Signature Generator by Mailmeteor provides a feature-rich HTML email signature builder that allows you to create and customize email signature templates up to modern standards.
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Questions & answers about Email Signature Generator
Everything you need to know about building the best email signature for your business.
How to use Email Signature Generator?
Email Signature Generator by Mailmeteor is a WYSIWYG email signature templates builder. It helps you focus on your message while using proof-tested email signature templates.
Which email clients are supported?
The email signature generator uses HTML table under the hood so your emails signature will look stunning on modern email clients (such as Gmail, Yahoo, Superhuman, etc.), as well as two-decades old email clients (such as Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.).
Are HTML content compatible with Outlook?
Yes! As well as dozens of other emails clients, such as Gmail, Yahoo, Apple Mail, ZohoMail, Thunderbid, Gmail for iOS, etc.
Are the emails signatures responsive?
Yes! Emails signatures are responsive and will look stunning on mobile phones. We have tested the email signature templates in Gmail for iOS, Gmail for Android, Apple Mail for iPhone and other populars mobile email clients.
Is Email Signature Generator Free?
Yes! It's totally free to use. Mailmeteor makes it available to anyone interested in designing great email signatures.
Does Email Signature Generator use my data?
No. Your data stays yours - like all products made by Mailmeteor. Content that you filled in the editor are not saved by us nor shared with a third-party.
What to do once you've generated your email signature?
Once your email signature look stunning in the editor, copy with the dedicated button or export in HTML and send emails in your favorite clients. It could be Gmail, Outlook or anyone else.
If you want to send highly personalized email campaigns using Gmail, have a look at Mailmeteor. Mailmeteor lets you send mass emails in Gmail that feel personal. Itβs the most popular Gmail mail merge tool, Trusted by 6 million people worldwide for its simplicity and privacy focus.