The best alternative to

Looking for a alternative? you’ve found it with Mailmeteor.

Mailmeteor vs is full stack email outreach platform, with an extensive range of capabilities. Vocus keeps its users on the go – though for email marketing, other options might have more to offer.

Founded back in 2016, Vocus.IO is a versatile piece of email software, split into three products all shared on the same platform. Based in Washington, the extension packs a lot of punch into one offering that can help you manage email campaigns across the board.

Vocus.IO offers three products including a multifunctional inbox, a vocus calendar and a campaign toolkit. Each one providing something a little bit different to grant complete control over organization and email management. For that extra convenience, it can also integrate with a number of other bits of business software including Zoom, Salesforce, Hubspot and Zoho.

However if you’re looking for a simple, effective, reliable and affordable tool that helps you reach multiple email contacts with just one click, then other alternatives to Vocus.IO can do the job much quicker and with far less effort.

One of these alternatives is Mailmeteor, the top-rated mail merge tool on Google Marketplace. Users love Mailmeteor as an extension thanks to its simple and intuitive toolset that focuses on making the mail merge process as easy as possible. A clean interface and effortless integration with the rest of the Google Suite makes Mailmeteor a leading choice for many – but behind the face of the platform lie some exceptionally powerful features, all designed to help your emails land in the inboxes of audiences of all sizes.

With a monthly price of $9.99, Mailmeteor is one of the most popular email outreach platform out there – giving you tried-and-tested functionality for a budget-friendly price.

Mailmeteor VS

Discover how Mailmeteor competes with mass email service.

Mailmeteor logo Mailmeteor logo
Free plan 50 emails included No
Integrates with Gmail Yes Yes
Works with Google Sheets Yes No
Emails per campaign Up to 10,000 contacts 200 contacts at most
Best use case For anyone who wants to automate their emailing outreach For highly skilled marketers who need advanced features such as AB testing
Permissions No access required to your Gmail inbox. Vocus asks for read access to your Gmail inbox.
Starting price $9.99 per month
(for 2,000 emails per day)
$10 per month
(for 200 emails per day)

Why Mailmeteor is the best alternative to

Hassle-free and uncomplicated mail merge

Mailmeteor’s straightforward interfaces streamlines the mail merge process.

A safe and trusted mail merge extension

Mailmeteor only needs minimal permissions to operate, keeping your account and emails safe.

Budget-friendly and reliable

Enjoy deep and comprehensive mail merge features for just $9.99 a month.

Mailmeteor is such an amazing add on with a great user interface, detail tracking and reporting. Highly recommended app, love it! As a former Vocus user, I can't but recommend it.

Mailmeteor review

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