Say goodbye to bounces, for once and for all

Say goodbye to bounces, for once and for all

- Published: - 3 minutes read

Today, we’re excited to announce huge improvements to BounceShield, our in-house email verification service, which verifies millions of emails per month.

This massive update comes in three different parts:

Let’s dive in.

More open, more accessible

The BounceShield works in the background, verifying millions of emails per month for our Pro and Business customers. When you create a new campaign, emails are automatically verified so that you avoid sending to recipients that no longer use this email address.

This dramatically increases your email reputation. Which is really important today, in part due to recent changes made by Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo to reduce spam.

When BounceShield detects an invalid email address, it marks the email as failed internally so it doesn’t get sent. For our advanced users, this information was available in the campaign metrics. But not everyone was familiar with this.

That’s why we created a new home for the BounceShield:

BounceShield Overview

This new section in the Mailmeteor Dashboard will instantly provide all the information you need to better understand how the BounceShield works for you.

Faster and more accurate

Two of the biggest challenges that we have with the BounceShield is to verify email addresses fast and confidently. There are hundreds of reasons why an email address could be detected as invalid. This could be due to a typo, bad DNS configuration, full mailbox, or even a temporary issue.

We have dramatically improved our algorithm in the past few months. It takes less than one second now to verify emails, and in the 95th percentile, less than 400ms. That’s very fast, considering that you need to detect inboxes based anywhere around the world.

Detecting valid and invalid email addresses

We also added more checks, such as the disposable verification and extended our SMTP verification, to better detect inboxes that are from a wide range of email service providers.

All email service providers are now supported, including Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, which are very popular in the US and Europe. And Zoho, which is highly popular in India. But even some lesser-known services are supported, such as GMX or Hey.

Available to anyone

While the BounceShield is and remains enabled by default in all Pro and higher plans, we wanted to make this technology available to anyone.

That’s why I’m excited to announce that you can also import your contacts list in the BounceShield, and it will verify all the email addresses lightning fast.

Add contacts to verify

Once verified, you can export the valid email addresses and send your emails right away. Best of all, you don’t even need to subscribe to Mailmeteor.

We are so excited to see how this new product will fit in your email journey.

Corentin Brossault

This article was written by Corentin Brossault, Mailmeteor's CEO. Mailmeteor is a simple & privacy-focused email marketing software. Trusted by millions of users worldwide, it is often considered as the best Gmail mail merge to send mass personalized emails.

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