12 Proven Cold Email Examples To Boost Your Response Rates

- Published: - 17 minutes read

Struggling to make your cold emails stand out? We’re here to help. Here are 12 high-ROI cold email templates, crafted by seasoned sales and marketing experts. Whether you’re looking to make a connection, pitch a product, or follow up, use these templates to get more opens, clicks, and replies.

Cold email is hard. In just a few seconds, you need to capture the attention of someone who’s never heard of you, convince them that you have something that might interest them, and prompt them to take a desired action.

That’s a lot to handle. Especially if you’re new to this game. But here’s the good news. You don’t have to start from a blank page and do all the guesswork. Instead, you can use a cold email template to kickstart your campaign.

However, the web is flooded with poorly written cold email samples and terrible copywriting advice. So in this quick guide, we decided to share 12 battle-tested cold email templates that you can customize to get high response rates.

  1. The Introduction Cold Email
  2. The Mutual Connection Email
  3. The Pain Point Cold Email
  4. The Social Proof Email
  5. The Content Share Email
  6. The Follow-Up Cold Email
  7. The Event Invitation Email
  8. The Product Launch Email
  9. The Referral Request Email
  10. The Networking Email
  11. The Job Application Cold Email
  12. The Influencer Outreach Email

Here’s the first cold email example ⤵️

1. The Introduction Cold Email

Subject: Ideas for [Their Company]

Hi [Name],

I hope you’re doing well. My name is [Your Name], and I’m with [Your Company]. We specialize in [briefly describe what your company does].

I’ve been following [Their Company] for a while now, and I’m reaching out because I believe [mention a specific reason].

I’d love to explore how we could work together or support your team. Would you be open to a quick call next week to discuss this further?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

When to use this cold email example:

Use this template when making initial contact with a potential client or partner. This approach works best when you can demonstrate knowledge of their business and suggest a potential value proposition without being too pushy. The template is effective for B2B outreach, especially when targeting decision-makers.

2. The Mutual Connection Email

Subject: [Mutual Connection] mentioned you

Hi [Name],

[Mutual Connection] mentioned that you’re currently working on [Project] and thought we should connect.

At [Your Company], we’ve been helping companies like [Client] with [Solution], which has led to [Successful Result].

I have a few ideas on how we could potentially help you solve [Problem], and I’d love to share them with you. Got 15 minutes next week for a quick chat?


[Your Signature]

When to use this cold email example:

The “Mutual Connection Email” template is best used when you have a mutual connection who has a strong relationship with the recipient. Mentioning a trusted third party can make your outreach stand out among the many cold emails they receive and increase your response rates.

3. The Pain Point Cold Email

Subject: [Name], tired of [Pain Point]? Here’s a better way

Hello [Name],

[Topic] doesn’t have to be a chore.

Also, it should not [Pain Point #1], nor should it [Pain Point #2].

That’s why we created [Product], a [Brief description of your product] that helps [Ideal Customer] solve [Problem].

Would you like a trial of our solution?


[Your Signature]

When to use this cold email example:

Use this template when you’ve done your homework and have identified a specific pain point that the recipient or their company is likely experiencing. By calling out those challenges, you show them you understand what they’re going through and position yourself as the go-to person who can help.

4. The Social Proof Email

Subject: What [Well-Known Client] does differently – and why it works

Hi [Name],

I recently saw how [Well-Known Client] approached [Challenge], and it made me think of you.

Instead of sticking with the usual playbook, they [briefly describe the unique approach], which led to [Result].

Given your focus on [Related Challenge], I thought you might find this interesting. If you’re open to it, I’d love to share how we could help you achieve something similar – without [Pain Point].

Can we set up a quick chat next week?

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

When to use this cold email example:

The “Social Proof Email” template helps you leverage the success of well-known clients to build trust with the recipient. If you have strong case studies or testimonials that align with the recipient’s industry or challenges, this template is the perfect way to showcase them and generate a positive response.

5. The Content Share Email

Subject: Thought you might find this interesting, [Name]

Hi [Name],

I came across this [Article / Video / Podcast] on [Topic] and immediately thought of you. Here’s the link: [URL]

Given your work on [Specific Project], I thought you might find [Specific Point From Content] interesting.

If you’d like to discuss this further or explore how we at [Your Company] are applying these insights to help businesses like yours, I’d be happy to chat.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

When to use this cold email example:

Use this template when you want to provide immediate value to your prospect by sharing relevant, high-quality content. This is a simple, yet (very) effective way to start a conversation, demonstrate your industry knowledge, and position yourself as a helpful resource rather than just another salesperson.

6. The Follow-Up Cold Email

Subject: Next steps

Hi [Name],

Just wanted to follow up on the email I sent about [brief mention of the topic]. I know things get busy, so I wanted to see if you had a chance to look it over.

I’m still excited about the potential to help [Company Name] with [Specific Goal]. Do you have time for a quick chat next week?

Let me know what works for you!


[Your Signature]

When to use this cold email example:

Use this template when you’ve sent an initial cold email and haven’t received a response after 5-7 business days. This cold email sample is particularly effective for busy professionals who may have overlooked your first message or didn’t have time to respond immediately.

7. The Event Invitation Email

Subject: Join [Guest] for insights on [Topic]

Hi [Name],

I recently visited your LinkedIn profile and noticed that you’re a fan of [Guest]. As a fan myself, I wanted to share some exciting news with you.

[Guest] will be giving an exclusive presentation on [Topic] at our upcoming [Event]. Here are the details:

[Event details]

This event is the perfect opportunity to meet like-minded [Job Title], expand your network, and discover insider strategies about [Topic].

Please let me know if you can attend.


[Your Signature]

PS: I also sent you a connection request on LinkedIn.

When to use this cold email example:

Use this template when you’re hosting an event featuring a reputable speaker and you’ve identified potential attendees who would be genuinely interested in that guest. It’s particularly effective when the event aligns well with the prospect’s professional role or industry.

8. The Product Launch Email

Subject: [Name], be the first to try [Product]

Hi [Name],

We’ve just launched [Product], a [brief description of the product], and I thought you’d want to be among the first to know.

[Product] is designed to help [Job Title] achieve [Desirable Outcome] – without [Paint Point].

Here’s what makes it unique:

  • [Key Feature 1] - Benefit 1
  • [Key Feature 2] - Benefit 2
  • [Key Feature 3] - Benefit 3

To celebrate this launch, we’re offering an exclusive 30-day free trial. Interested in giving [Product] a try? Just reply to this email, and I’ll personally set it up for you.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

P.S. We’re hosting a live demo next [Day] at [Time]. Let me know if you’d like to attend.

When to use this cold email example:

Use this template when you’re launching a new product. It works best when you can connect the key benefits of your new product to the prospect’s role, industry trends, or recent company developments, demonstrating that you’re offering them a tailored solution, not just making a generic product announcement.

9. The Referral Request Email

Subject: [Name], can you recommend someone?

Hi [Name],

Hope you’re doing well! I’m looking to connect with someone who could benefit from [Product]. Given your network in [Industry], I thought you might know someone who’d find it valuable.

We’ve seen great results with [Client], like [Result]. If anyone comes to mind, I’d really appreciate an intro!

Thanks so much—let me know if I can return the favor.


[Your Signature]

When to use this cold email example:

Use this template when leveraging your existing network to find new potential clients or partners. It’s most effective when you are targeting a specific industry where your contact has strong connections. This approach works well when you’ve already built some trust with the recipient and can offer mutual value.

10. The Networking Email

Subject: [Event] next steps

Hello [Name],

Really enjoyed meeting you in person at [Event]. Alas, we both know how intense these conferences are!

Would love to discuss [Topic] further and develop how we can help you achieve [Result] at [Company]. Free for coffee next [Day]?

See you soon,

[Your Signature]

When to use this cold email example:

This cold email sample can be used when following up with someone you’ve met briefly at a networking event, conference, or industry gathering. It’s ideal for situations where you had a meaningful but short interaction and want to continue the conversation in a more focused setting.

11. The Job Application Cold Email

Subject: Following up on your talk

Hi [Name],

Your talk at [Recent Industry Event] about [Topic] left me buzzing with ideas. Especially when you mentioned [Particular Point], it clicked – that’s exactly the kind of challenge I’ve been itching to tackle.

I’ve been following [Company]’s journey in [Industry] for a while now. So when I saw the [Job Title] opening, I couldn’t help but imagine how my [Specific Skill] could contribute to [Project].

Quick highlights of what I bring to the table:

  • Led a team that [Specific Achievement]
  • Developed [Strategy] that resulted in [Outcome]
  • Recognized by [Award] for innovation in [Relevant Area]

I’ve got some ideas on how to [Solve a Current Challenge the Company is Facing]. I’d love 15 minutes of your time to discuss them and explore how I could be an asset to your team. Are you free for a quick call next [Day] at [Time]?

Looking forward to potentially collaborating,

[Your Signature]

When to use this cold email example:

Use this template when you’re not just looking for any job, but gunning for your dream position at a specific company. It’s perfect for situations where you’ve done extensive research and can demonstrate a deep understanding of the company’s mission, challenges, and culture.

12. The Influencer Outreach Email

Subject: [Influencer] X [Company]

Hey [Name],

I’ve been following your work for a while, and I’m really impressed by how you [mention something specific about their content or influence].

Your content resonates with [Target Audience], and I believe there’s a great opportunity for us to collaborate.

At [Your Brand Name], we’re focused on [briefly describe your brand]. We think your unique voice could help us [mention a specific goal].

I’d love to explore how we can work together to create something that benefits both of us. Whether it’s through [mention potential collaboration ideas], I’m confident we can create something your audience will love.

If you’re interested, I’d be happy to discuss the details and see how we can make this a win-win partnership. Let me know if you have some time next week for a quick chat or if you’d prefer to discuss via email.

Looking forward to the possibility of working together!

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

When to use this cold email example:

Use this template when reaching out to influencers for potential collaborations. This approach works best when you have specific ideas for collaboration that align with the influencer’s brand and content style. It shows you’ve done your research and have a genuine appreciation for the influencer’s work.

Create Your Own Cold Email Templates

In this article, we’ve shared 12 proven cold email examples that you can use to create outreach campaigns that generate responses. Need more examples? Take a look at our extensive library of 100+ customizable email templates and find inspiration.

If you want to create your own cold email templates, you can also sign up to Mailmeteor (it’s free!) in just a few clicks. Our free plan lets you send up to 50 personalized cold emails a day. You can also track the performance of your emails, and schedule follow-ups.

To get started, simply go to your Mailmeteor dashboard. Select Templates, then click New template. From there, you can personalize your cold email template by clicking Insert variable and selecting a merge field.

This lets you add dynamic content to your message. You can also embed a video into your email, attach files, or add an unsubscribe link. Once you’re done, click Save template. And voilà. Your cold email template is ready.

Happy sending 💌

This guide was written by Paul Anthonioz, content editor at Mailmeteor. Mailmeteor is a simple & privacy-focused emailing software. Trusted by millions of users worldwide, it is often considered as the best tool to send newsletters with Gmail. Give us a try and let us know what you think!

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