HTML To Text Converter
Transform your HTML into text with our free HTML to Text converter.
The fastest way to get a plain-text version of your HTML
HTML To Text Converter by Mailmeteor converts HTML to plain-text. You can use it to make sure to send a text version of your email, in a few seconds, for free, saving you hours of repetitive work.
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Questions & answers about HTML To Text Converter
Everything you need to know about how and why converting HTML emails in plain-text.
How do I convert HTML to text?
Using HTML To Text, you can easily convert an HTML page or email to plain text in a matter of seconds. No need to manully extract the content of each HTML tags, it does it for you.
How to extract text from HTML?
You can do it manually, but it's time-consuming. Or you could use an HTML to Text converter that automatically extracts the inner text of each HTML tag and converts it to text.
How to use HTML To Text converter?
HTML To Text converter is a free, easy to use and simple tool. Just paste the HTML code of your email and click on "Convert to Text".
What is a HTML To Text converter?
HTML To Text converter is a free tool to convert any HTML email. It converts the HTML source code and extract the text content.
How does a HTML To Text converter work?
HTML To Text converter proceeds with several steps to provide you the text-content of your HTML email :
- The HTML email is received by the tool from the pasting area.
- The HTML is treated and then transformed without HTML tags.
- Then the text content is shown below the original code.
Is HTML To Text converter Free?
HTML To Text converter is totally free to use. Mailmeteor makes it available to anyone interested in transforming HTML email to plain-text version.
How many HTML email can I convert into plain-text per day?
We apply a fair-use policy, so you are free to manually use HTML To Text converter as long as you don't abuse of it. Any abuse includes, but is not limited to, making automatic requests to our service.
Does HTML to Text converter use my data?
Your data stays yours - like all products made by Mailmeteor. Email HTML code that you verify using our HTML To Text converter are not saved by us nor shared with a third-party. Although, we might temporarly log requests made to the service for maintenance purposes.
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