Hey there,

Picture this:

You’re at a party. Someone walks up to you and spends the next 5 minutes talking about themselves – without asking you a single question.

Annoying, right?

Most cold emails make this exact mistake. They’re all “me, me, me” with zero focus on the recipient. 😬

But what if I told you there is a simple rule to flip the script and make your cold emails irresistible? It’s called the “2:1 Rule”.

What’s the 2:1 Rule?

Well, it’s (very) simple. For every ONE time you mention yourself or your company, mention your prospect TWICE.

Let’s see it in action:

Before: “Our AI-powered SEO tool is revolutionary. We’ve helped 20+ websites improve their rankings. Want a demo?”

After: “Is your article on [Topic] getting the traction it deserves? Our AI-powered SEO tool could help you triple its reach. Interested in seeing how?”

Notice the shift? The “After” version puts the spotlight on the prospect, not the sender. That’s the 2:1 Rule working its magic!

Here’s why it’s so powerful:

1️⃣ It forces you to research your prospect.

2️⃣ It makes your email feel personalized, not copy-pasted.

3️⃣ It shows you’re focused on THEIR needs, not your sales quota.

Ready to try the 2:1 Rule? Draft a cold email using this technique, and then send it my way. I’ll give you personalized feedback to help you nail it!

Happy sending, Laura