Hey there,

The opening line of a cold email is where most people stumble. And it’s also where most emails live or die.

Get it wrong, and your carefully crafted message is headed straight for the trash folder. But nail that opener, and you’ve got your foot in the door.

Today, I’m excited to share three proven email intro lines that will take your messages from “Meh” to “Tell me more!”

1. The Personalized Insight

I noticed [Specific observation about their business]. Have you considered [Suggestion]? It could potentially [Benefit].

Why it works: This opener demonstrates your expertise and provides immediate value. It shows you’re not just another salesperson, but a potential partner with insights to offer.

2. The Recent Accomplishment

Congratulations on your recent [Achievement]! That must have been quite a milestone for [Company].

Why it works: This opener shows that you’ve done your homework. It’s personalized, making your outreach feel thoughtful and genuine, and it sets a positive tone right from the start.

3. The Mutual Connection

[Mutual Connection] mentioned that you’re currently working on [Project]. They said your approach to [Specific aspect] is game-changing. I’m intrigued – care to share more?

Why it works: This opener uses social proof to build trust. Mentioning a mutual connection and their project shows you’ve done your homework, while a curious question encourages them to engage.

To create powerful icebreakers:

1️⃣ Search for your prospect on LinkedIn.

2️⃣ Read their posts and watch their interviews.

3️⃣ Look for recent news about their company or industry.

4️⃣ Identify a shared connection, experience, or interest.

5️⃣ Craft a personalized opening line based on your research.

6️⃣ Track which icebreakers get the best responses and iterate.

Remember, the secret to a great icebreaker is personalization. Your prospects can smell a generic opener from a mile away.

Now, I’m curious – what’s your go-to icebreaker? Have you stumbled upon a conversation starter that works like magic?

Happy sending, Laura

P.S: Need more inspiration for your next campaign? Check out these 12 battle-tested cold email examples.