How to Find Your Emails from Last Week (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo)

How to Find Your Emails from Last Week (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo)

- Published: - 7 minutes read

How convenient would it be if you could ask Google, Microsoft or Yahoo “just show me my emails from last week”? In this quick guide, we’ll show you how to search for 7-day-old emails in Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo Mail.

According to research, the average office worker receives around 121 emails per day. For most of us, this can be a bit overwhelming.

Fortunately, there are some tools that you can use to regain control over your inbox. Like the Gmail filters, for example.

But even then, emails tend to quickly pile up. And finding an old message can be very time-consuming if you don’t know where to search.

The good news is that most email service providers (ESPs) have a built-in feature that allows you to search emails by date.

These tools can be real life-savers. Instead of scrolling endlessly through your archived messages, you can simply ask your ESP to filter your emails from last week.

In this quick tutorial, we’ll tell you how you can ask Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo Mail to display your emails from the past 7 days ⤵️

How to find my messages from last week on Gmail

Want to search for your old messages in Gmail? Here’s how to use Google’s built-in search filters to find your emails from last week.

On Desktop

You can ask Gmail “Show me my emails from last week”. All it takes is a few clicks. Here’s how it works on a computer.

Step 1: Sign in to your Gmail account.

Step 2: Near the Gmail search bar, click on “Show search options”.

Show search options in Gmail

Step 3: Under “Date within”, select “1 week”.

Show me my emails from last week in Gmail

Step 4: Click on “Search”.

Search 1-week-old emails in Gmail

And that’s it. Gmail will now show you all the emails you received during the past 7 days, allowing you to find the message you’re looking for much faster.

Alternatively, you can also use the Gmail search operators – which are short commands – to search Gmail by date. You can for example type “newer_than:7d” in the Gmail search bar to display your emails from last week.

If you want to look for emails received in the past 7 days, you can also type “after:2023/8/22 before:2023/9/6”. Simply make sure to change the dates used in the above example with the time period that you want to search for.

On Mobile

You can also ask Gmail to display your emails from last week on your Android phone or your iPhone. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Open Gmail on your phone.

Step 2: Tap on the Gmail search bar.

Search bar in the Gmail app

Step 3: Swipe to the left until you can find the “Date” filter.

Search emails by date in the Gmail app

Step 4: Tap on “Date” and select “Custom range”.

Select a custom date range in the Gmail mobile app

Step 5: Choose your date range. In this case, we’ll select the past 7 days.

Select a start date in the Gmail app

Step 6: Tap on “OK”.

And voilà. This is how you can use the Gmail mobile app to search for the emails you received last week. Easy, right?

How to search for 7-day-old emails on Outlook

You’re more of an Outlook lover? Here’s how you can ask Microsoft to filter your emails from last week on Mac or PC.

Step 1: Open Outlook.

Step 2: In the search bar, click on the down arrow to open the Microsoft Outlook advanced search options.

The Outlook search bar

Step 3: Go to “Date” and click on the down arrow to view the Microsoft Outlook date filters. Then select “In the last 7 days”.

Show me my emails from last week in Outlook

Step 4: You can add some criteria to refine your search. Once you’re ready, click on “Search” to locate your old emails.

Find emails from last week in Microsoft Outlook

And that’s it. With this simple process you can save time by asking Microsoft Outlook to show you your emails from last week.

How to view your last week emails on Yahoo Mail

You can find 7-day-old emails, attachments and photos by using the search feature in Yahoo Mail. Here’s how it works.

Step 1: Sign in to your Yahoo Mail account.

Step 2: Click on the arrow in the Yahoo Mail search bar to display the advanced search options.

Step 3: Open the dropdown menu next to “Date” and select “In the last 7 days”. Alternatively, you select a custom date range.

Step 4: Once you’re ready, click on “Search”.

And done. Yahoo Mail will now filter your messages and you will only see the emails you received during the past week.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I see my old emails?

The easiest way to see your old emails in Gmail, Microsoft Outlook or Yahoo Mail is to use the search bar and apply a date filter. Alternatively, you can scroll through your inbox to browse your old messages.

How can I see all emails from a certain date?

In Gmail, you can use the “Date within” filter. Click on “Advanced search option”, select “1 day” and enter the date. Then click on “Search” and Gmail will show you all the emails you received that day.

The Gmail "Date within" filter

Similarly, you can use the search filters in Outlook and Yahoo Mail to locate messages received on a specific date.

How do I see emails older than 12 months in Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo Mail?

You can ask your email service provider to show you emails older than 12 months. Here’s how it works.

  • In Gmail: click on the search bar, type “older_than:12m” and press “Enter”.
  • In Outlook: click on the arrow in the search bar, in the “Date” field, select “Custom Dates” and pick a date 12 months ago.
  • In Yahoo Mail: click on the down arrow in the search bar, go to “Date”, pick “Custom field” and select a date from last year.

This guide was written by Paul Anthonioz, content editor at Mailmeteor. Mailmeteor is a simple & privacy-focused emailing software. Trusted by millions of users worldwide, it is often considered as the best tool to send newsletters with Gmail. Give us a try and let us know what you think!

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