7 Mail Merge Examples to Create Personalized Documents and Save Time

- Published: - 12 minutes read

Wondering how a simple mail merge tool like Mailmeteor, Gmail, or Google Sheets can help you save time and get more work done? Find out with these 7 inspiring mail merge examples.

Mail merge is a (very) versatile process that lets you create personalized documents in bulk. You can use it to reach out to customers with tailored promotional offers, updates, or support messages.

Or you can send customized invitations for events, meetings, or webinars to make your recipients feel special. Or you can mail merge envelopes and labels for your mass mailings. Or share invoices, quotes, and payslips.

The possibilities are endless. To help you find the best way to save time and boost your productivity with this simple process, we’ve compiled some of the best mail merge examples we’ve come across in the past 6 years.

This should give you plenty of ideas for creating your own mail merges, allowing you to personalize email campaigns, labels, letters, invitations, thank you notes, and more. Sounds good? Then let’s get started:

  1. Personalized event invitations
  2. Customized invoice generation
  3. Effective cold email campaigns
  4. Bulk mailing labels creation
  5. Personalized envelope printing
  6. Targeted press release distribution
  7. Tailored thank you notes

1. Personalized event invitations

When to use it:

Use personalized event invitations whenever you are hosting an event that requires strong guest engagement and attendance, such as weddings, corporate events, conferences, parties, or community gatherings. Personalized invitations help you make a strong impression and increase attendance rates by making invitees feel valued and special.


Subject: Join us for our Annual Gala Night!

Dear {{ firstname }},

You are invited to our Annual Gala Night, a special evening of celebration and networking. As a valued member of our community, your presence would greatly honor us.

  • Date: September 15, 2024
  • Time: 7:00 PM
  • Venue: The Grand Ballroom, City Hotel
  • Attire: Formal

Please RSVP by September 1, 2024, to confirm your attendance. We look forward to celebrating with you!

Warm regards, [Your Signature]

Tools needed:

  • A Gmail or Outlook email account
  • A data source (typically a spreadsheet)
  • The Mailmeteor dashboard (for personalizing your invitations)

How to do it:

  1. Sign up to Mailmeteor – it’s free!
  2. Click New campaign.
  3. Add recipients from a CSV file or Google Sheets.
  4. Customize your invitations with merge tags, such as {{ firstname }}.
  5. Preview before sending.
  6. Send your invitations.


Personalized event invitations add a professional and thoughtful touch to your event planning. They can help you capture the attention of your recipients. This, in turn, can improve the chances of RSVPs and attendance.

2. Customized invoice generation

When to use it:

If you’re a business owner, a freelancer, or a consultant who needs to bill clients for services or products, a mail merge can help you create personalized invoices in a snap. This is particularly helpful when you have multiple clients, with varying billing details, terms, and amounts.


Subject: Invoice #{{ invoice number }}

Hi {{ firstname }},

I hope you’re well. Please find attached invoice #[Invoice Number] for services provided in {{ month }}.

Invoice details:

Total Due: {{ Total due }}

Description: {{ Service description }}

Payment due by: {{ Due date }}

For any questions, contact me at {{ Contact information }}.

Thank you! [Your signature]

Tools needed:

  • Google Sheets (to manage your recipients’ data)
  • A mail merge add-on for Google Sheets

How to do it:

  1. Install Mailmeteor for Google Sheets.
  2. Open Google Sheets and create a new spreadsheet.
  3. Add headers to your columns, such as {{ Total due }}, {{ Service description }}, or {{ Due date }}. Make sure to include a column with your recipients’ email addresses.
  4. Go to Extensions > Mailmeteor > New campaign.
  5. Click Create template and customize your message with merge tags to send a personalized invoice to each recipient.
  6. Preview your mail merge, then press Send emails.


This mail merge example can help ensure prompt payment by clearly outlining charges in a way that’s easy for clients to understand. This can reduce payment disputes and improve client relationships, leading to quicker payments and better cash flow management. Sending customized bills is also a simple way to convey professionalism, save time, and to reduce the risk of human-error.

3. Effective cold email campaigns

When to use it:

99% of the time, a generic cold email won’t work. People will simply ignore you. The key to get them to respond? Create highly personalized emails with a mail merge tool like Mailmeteor, and make your recipients feel like your message was written specifically for them. Customized cold email campaigns are a great way to initiate contact with potential clients, introduce your company or services, establish new partnerships, and turn leads into deals.


Subject: Quick win

Hi {{ firstname }},

I saw your latest campaign on {{ social media }}—very creative! I think our {{ product }} could add some serious firepower to your strategy, helping you see exactly what’s working and why.

How about a 15-minute call to dive into it? Let me know what works for you!

Best, [Your Signature]

Tools needed:

  • A Gmail or Outlook account
  • A Google Sheets spreadsheet
  • Mailmeteor dashboard

How to do it:

  1. Compile a targeted list of recipients and gather relevant details such as their name, company, and industry in Google Sheets.
  2. Open the Mailmeteor dashboard, click New campaign, and import recipients from your data source.
  3. Draft an engaging cold email template (or use the example we gave you), and customize it with merge tags, like {{ company }}.
  4. Proofread your cold email. Then send a test email to yourself or to a colleague to check that everything is working properly.
  5. Press Send emails to complete your mail merge.


Adding a personal touch to your cold emails, like we did in this example, can significantly increase your chances of getting a response. By addressing the specific needs of each recipient, you can boost engagement, build trust, and pave the way for successful business relationships or sales opportunities. Personalizing your emails can be (very) time-consuming if you don’t have the right tools. But with Mailmeteor, this process becomes effortless.

4. Bulk mailing labels creation

When to use it:

Bulk mailing labels are ideal when you need to send out large volumes of mail, such as during a product launch, holiday season, or a promotional campaign. This is also useful for charities who want to raise funds, or for e-commerce platforms who want to ship their products to online customers.


{{ fullname }} {{ street address }} {{ city }}, {{ state }}, {{ ZIP code }}

Tools needed:

How to do it:

  1. To mail merge labels, install Labelmaker.
  2. Create a new spreadsheet in Google Sheets. Add headers to your columns. Then fill them with your recipients’ contact details (1 row = 1 recipient).
  3. Go to Extensions and select Create & Print Labels.
  4. Select a template for your labels.
  5. Add merge fields using double-arrows (like this: «address»).
  6. Click Create labels. Then Open document. This will open your labels mail merge in Google Docs.
  7. From there, go to File and select Print.

5. Personalized envelope printing

When to use it:

Print personalized envelopes to add a professional touch to your mailings. Use this mail merge example when you need to send invitations, direct mail marketing campaigns, or formal business correspondence.


{{ Logo }}

{{ title }} {{ fullname }} {{ Company }} {{ street address }} {{ city }}, {{ state }}, {{ ZIP code }}

Tools needed:

  • Labelmaker
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets

How to do it:

  1. Install Labelmaker.
  2. Create a new Google Docs document. Then go to Extensions > Create & Print Labels > Create labels.
  3. In the sidebar, select Envelopes. Then choose the size of your envelopes and click Apply.
  4. Edit the first page of the document with your desired envelope formatting. You can customize the font, colors or text alignment.
  5. Click Select a spreadsheet to link your mailing list. If you don’t have one yet, you can create a mailing list in 5 minutes using Google Sheets.
  6. To customize your envelopes, click Insert a merge field. Then select a merge field from the list.
  7. Click Create envelopes. Then Open document.
  8. To complete your mail merge, go to File, and press Print.


This mail merge example can help you create personalized envelopes for your mass mailings, allowing you to save time, make a great first impression on the recipient, and increase the likelihood that your mail will be opened and read.

6. Targeted press release distribution

When to use it:

Need to share a big news with the press? Use this mail merge example to distribute your press release through highly personalized emails. This is a simple yet effective way to make journalists feel special, capture their attention, and get more media coverage to promote your brand.


Subject: {{ Company }} unveils new {{ product }}

Hi {{ firstname }},

I hope you’re well. We’ve got some exciting news at {{ Company }}:

{{ Brief description of the news }}

Attached is our latest press release with all the details. Feel free to reach out if you need more info or an interview with {{ spokesperson }}.

Best, [Your Signature]

Tools needed:

  • A Gmail or Outlook account
  • Mailmeteor dashboard
  • Google Sheets or a CSV file

How to do it:

  1. Open the Mailmeteor dashboard.
  2. Create a new campaign.
  3. Add recipients from a CSV file or Google Sheets.
  4. Customize your message with merge tags.
  5. Attach the press release to your email.
  6. Preview your mail merge.
  7. Hit the Send button.


This is a good example of how to mail merge with attachments. By attaching your press release to a personalized email, you can create highly relevant messages for each media you try to contact. Addressing journalists by name and tailoring the content to their specific interests shows that you’ve done your homework. This targeted approach can lead to better media relationships, and ultimately greater exposure for your company.

7. Tailored thank you notes

When to use it:

Express your appreciation with a tailored thank you note after significant interactions, such as after receiving a donation, completing a project, making a sale, or following an event.


Subject: Huge thanks, {{ firstname }}!

Hey {{ firstname }},

Just popping in to say a huge thank you for {{ specific action }}. Seriously, your support has been a game-changer for us—we couldn’t have done it without you!

Looking forward to more amazing things together. Can’t wait to team up again soon!

Thanks a ton!

Cheers, [Your Signature]

Tools needed:

  • A Gmail or Outlook account
  • Mailmeteor dashboard

How to do it:

  1. Open Mailmeteor.
  2. Create a new mail merge.
  3. Add recipients from a contact list.
  4. Draft a personalized thank you note using merge tags.
  5. Proofread your message.
  6. Send your emails.


A personalized thank you email or letter helps you strengthen relationships and show genuine gratitude. Whether you’re thanking customers, clients, partners, or volunteers, personalized notes make people feel valued and recognized. This can enhance loyalty, encourage repeat business, and foster a positive image of your brand.

The bottom line

In this quick guide, we’ve shared 7 examples of situations where a mail merge can help you streamline your communication, scale your outreach, make your recipient feel unique, and save hours of tedious work.

Need more inspiration? Check out these 7 high-ROI mail merge templates and feel free to use them for your own sales or marketing campaigns. This will help you create highly personalized documents in bulk.

So, what’s next? For starters, you can create a Mailmeteor account. Our free plan lets you send up to 50 personalized emails a day, and you get access to handy features, like real-time email tracking.

This guide was written by Paul Anthonioz, content editor at Mailmeteor. Mailmeteor is a simple & privacy-focused emailing software. Trusted by millions of users worldwide, it is often considered as the best tool to send newsletters with Gmail. Give us a try and let us know what you think!

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